
What temperature does heat-resistant adhesive withstand

It is not difficult to combine parts from different materials with modern tools, because there is a huge number of compositions on sale for all occasions. For products exposed to heat, a heat-resistant adhesive suitable for strictly defined temperatures is suitable.

The selected tool will allow you to reliably glue the tiles to the fireplace or stove walls, the nozzle of a hairdryer, ceramic roaster, glass oven doors, metal parts of cars and much more.

Classification, composition

There are different approaches to the classification of adhesives with high heat resistance.

Specialists use the division according to the value of the withstand temperatures and the possible duration of exposure:

  • compositions based on epoxy polymers, phenyl rubbers can undergo heating up to 150 ℃ or more for 30,000 hours,
  • polyaromatic and heat-resistant organosilicon compounds do not change for 2000 hours at temperatures from 200 to 400 ℃,
  • organoboron substances (carboranes) can be heated up to 600 ℃ and higher for several hundred hours,
  • heat-resistant inorganic compounds withstand heating up to 2000 ℃ for a while, and for a long time at lower temperatures.

Such loads occur in industrial plants in specific industries.

Table. The main properties of special carborane-containing heat-resistant adhesives

Shear strength tinMPa

at elevated temperature

Production of an optical pyrometer

Bonding of metals and heat-resistant non-metallic materials

Bonding magnetic cores, mounting crystals

(up to 700 - short-term)

and aggressive environments

Bonding heat-resistant non-metallic materials, thermal insulation

For everyday use in everyday life, during construction, ongoing repair work, glue is used for moderate thermal effects.

With the exception of universal means, the remaining adhesive compositions in most cases have an appointment determined by the characteristics and composition.

With mixtures intended for glass or plastic, it will not be possible to glue metal reliably, gel paste for repairing rubber cannot be used as heat-resistant adhesive for food utensils.

The composition of the popular heat-resistant adhesives are divided into synthetic compounds and natural substances.

Natural adhesives are based on aqueous suspensions of alkali metal silicates known as water glass. After mixing silicates with particles of chamotte clay and sand, a heat-resistant composite is formed that can withstand calcination at 1200 ° C. Natural silicate means can be used to glue the internal decoration of fireplaces, details of ovens, stove structures.

Most synthetic adhesives contain polymers of various molecular weights, to which inorganic fillers and modifiers are sometimes added. Synthetic heat-resistant mixtures are often two-component because they contain the starting monomers and polymerization activators.

Before using flame-retardant organic adhesives, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and act in accordance with the instructions, otherwise it will not be possible to successfully stick the parts.

Main advantages

Non-combustible adhesives have a wide range of capabilities, include a group of construction, domestic, industrial purposes, differ in the preparation and use methods. In addition to the main ability to withstand high temperatures, refractory adhesives have associated positive properties:

  • create a tight seam
  • do not change with temperature changes,
  • form a durable heat-resistant compound,
  • do not require subsequent processing of the joint,
  • have the ability to expand linearly when heated,
  • have good heat transfer properties,
  • characterized by high resistance to moisture,
  • demonstrate good adhesive qualities.

Bonding occurs quickly under normal conditions without the use of special equipment and devices. The cost of heat-resistant adhesives is quite affordable, the range satisfies the needs of a large number of customers, despite the diverse interests and activities.


A feature of heat-resistant epoxy glue is that it successfully copes with many materials - glues metal, ceramic, polymer, glassy, ​​wood parts. It consists of two components that must be thoroughly mixed before use in the specified ratio. Epoxy composites are produced by many enterprises.

Well-proven products are Moment Epoxylin, which after solidification, like all epoxy masses, creates a transparent layer. The seam, if necessary, can be drilled, polished, bringing the decorative qualities to full perfection.


Heat-resistant silicone glue has a pronounced insulating ability, often they are called sealants.

Heat resistance is expressed in the ability to withstand temperatures of 350 без without breaking.

Heat-resistant silicone compounds are primarily used for the repair, installation, lining of fireplaces, brick chimneys, stoves, sandwich panels. They, unlike epoxides, are odorless, which allows you to work without fear for health.

Silicone adhesives, sealants are often produced in the form of large syringes, tubes or cylinders for construction guns, which leads to some increase in the cost of production and a significant simplification of its use.

Silicone adhesives are harmless to the body, do not emit toxic substances when heated, can be used to repair ovens, other equipment in contact with food. Given that such household needs often arise, we list the tested adhesives: RTV 118Q, Dow Corning Q3-1566, LK, Titanium, Sudal.


A large group of adhesives, known as Moment, contains different active ingredients, most often rubber solutions.

Glue of this group with the Super prefix has a wide range of applications, it is used to connect wood, metal, all other types of products.

For rubber products, the company produces a separate variety with an indication on the label - for rubber. The maximum temperature that the composition withstands is 100 ℃, that is, the heat-resistant properties are not the highest. It is better not to expose rubber products to higher temperatures, because the material itself will begin to deteriorate, and not just the bonding place.


Cracks in masonry have long been covered with clay. The result was always pleasing; only the dirt accompanying the work caused discontent.

Now for the connection of bricks, fastening of facing tiles, tiles, special silicate adhesives are produced, the purpose of which is indicated on the package, for example, Super fireplace.

The heat-resistant compositions of Plitonite and Diola also show themselves well in action.

Hercules company offers a large number of adhesives for various purposes: for fireplaces, metals, other materials and structures. The current beginning for representatives of different purposes is different.

In any case, glue with heat-resistant properties must be bought, making a choice consciously. Attentive familiarization with all the information will allow you not to spend money in vain, to ensure high-quality repairs, long-term use of glued parts.

Adhesive Characteristics

Today adhesives vary in purpose and composition.. The main types include: thermoplastic, thermosetting, drying and heat-resistant. The latter type is designed for use in temperature fluctuations. At high and low temperatures, the base does not lose its properties. From the foregoing, we can conclude that heat-resistant adhesives have characteristics that allow it to maintain its quality at temperature extremes.

Scope of application

The range of action of thermal glue is so wide that it allows us to talk about it as a universal basis. It is used when working with plastics, graphite, metal, etc. Such a glue provides a good effect when applied to glass or ceramics. We can say that this type of glue is used in many industries.

Properties of heat resistant base

Often both in production and in everyday life, there is a need to mount or connect certain components, operating at elevated temperatures. Of course, welding cannot be completely dispensed with, but it is possible to combine such components to perform work at high temperature. The temperature range for heat-resistant glue is wide enough, which determines the universal properties of such substrates.

Types of adhesives

Adhesive with thermal properties has been widely used for many substrates intended for environments with thermal differences. Such bases minimize the harmful effects of external conditions.

Industry today produces heat-resistant adhesive of various types. On sale there are natural and synthetic species. The latter contain in their composition additional ingredients (plasticizers) to give them thermal, moisture and frost resistance. Both the first and second types are used for installation work with fireplaces, tiles, glass and metal elements. The difference between synthetic and natural adhesives is the cost and quality of the composition. The glue is available as a solution or mixture.

The liquid version dries quickly, so it can complicate the laying process. The mixture in dry form is easy to prepare, and its price is lower than in the finished one.

Adhesive Requirements

High-quality base bonding agent used at high temperature conditions, must have the following characteristics:

  • the ability to expand linearly,
  • moisture and wear resistance
  • the temperature range should be both above and below zero,
  • minimum heat resistance should be at least 300 degrees,
  • high-quality heat transfer,
  • safety for the environment.

Work with metal

When fastening metal elements apply several methods: gluing, welding or mechanical connection. Gluing requires adherence to a special technique, which consists in pinpointing the target surface. For such work, it is recommended to use heat-resistant adhesive for metal of 300 degrees.

As a rule, a special epoxy thermal composition with synthetic plasticizers and additives is used to work with metal elements.

High-quality high-quality adhesive for metal is able to withstand temperatures of the order of 370 degrees. This leads to its widespread use in the installation of underfloor heating. Hot melt adhesive is often used in the decoration of saunas, fireplaces, stoves, etc.

Glass bonding

Today, people appreciate not only practicality, but also make high demands on the aesthetic component. That is why, for example, household appliances are often made using various glass elements. Over time, such components may require adjustment. This group includes appliances with a high degree of heating..

When working in conditions of high temperature conditions, various violations of the integrity of the components may occur. Heat-resistant adhesive for glass with organic compounds allows you to easily, quickly and reliably solve such problems without violating the surface transparency properties.

Adhesive for ovens

Until recently, clay was the main material for lining hot surfaces. But clay is a rather dirty and labor-intensive material for work. 2 types of adhesives are suitable for furnaces. These are heat-resistant sealants and adhesives. Both options will allow you to reliably adhere: bricks to each other (hot melt adhesives) and bricks with various materials (sealants).

Heat-resistant adhesive for ceramics contains a special mixture of cement and sand with the addition of synthetic components. This increases the ductility and adhesive properties of such substrates.

In addition, thermo-sealant is characterized by high ductility and protects from deformation that occurs when heated.

When choosing glue during the construction of fireplaces or stoves, you should pay attention to the toxicity of the components. With a decrease in this parameter, the amount of substances harmful to health that are released when exposed to high temperatures also decreases.

Advantages and disadvantages of hot melt adhesive

In addition to the basic properties, thermal compositions have the following quality characteristics

The advantages of this glue include the following:

  • Hot melt adhesive is characterized by high fracture strength. Manufacturers, as a rule, determine the degree of connective strength at surfaces of 1.2 MPA.
  • Fast setting and drying. Depending on the temperature and humidity, the average drying time is about half an hour. The glue lends itself to forming and various manipulations within 10 minutes.
  • Hot-melt adhesive provides reliable and durable adhesion of materials for many years, without losing their qualities.
  • Heat-resistant glue does not change its properties as intended under the influence of low and high temperatures. It is used for cladding and masonry in the temperature range from 10 degrees below zero to +35. The positive temperature maximum falls at +750 degrees.

Of the shortcomings (which are mostly immaterial) can be noted:

  • A fairly quick connection of heat-resistant glue to the material. This requires fast and accurate work on connecting components.
  • Lack of flexibility and shrinkage.

Famous brands of hot melt adhesive

Today on the shelves of construction stores you can see a wide variety of types and brands of hot melt adhesive. All manufacturers declare that their products are the best. In order not to get lost in all this, you should understand What brands of hot-melt adhesive are the most popular today.

  • D-314. Heat resistant composition from a Russian manufacturer. Designed to work with ceramics on fireplaces and stoves. The mixture has shape stability and elasticity and is able to withstand temperatures up to +850 degrees.
  • "Super fireplace." The heat-resistant composition produced in Russia. Contains reinforcing fibers and is capable of gluing brick and concrete substrates, which are subjected to high temperature exposure.
  • "Hercules". Adhesive intended for construction work with stoves and fireplaces. Withstands temperatures up to +1200 degrees. It has proven itself in the decoration of low-porous ceramic tiles.
  • "Moment Epoxylin." Heat resistant adhesive based on epoxy resin. Used for processing glass, metal, ceramic elements. It forms a very strong layer, which can later even be polished or drilled.

Recommendations for use

For work with thermal glue special procedures are not required.. The main thing is surface preparation, consisting of the following items:

  • Elimination of all extraneous layers and components on the target surface.
  • Degreasing the surface using special tools.
  • Primer surface (if necessary).

Safety requirements

When working with heat-resistant adhesives required certain safety measures. For example, the dry type can have a negative effect on the human respiratory system.Therefore, if necessary, use respirators.

Thus, all the facts suggest that heat-resistant adhesives do not have serious contraindications when working with them. But before starting work, you must first clearly outline the action plan.

Hot melt adhesives are not only resistant to temperature changes, but also characterized by water-repellent properties. During operation, no harmful fumes occur. Therefore, for example, high-temperature adhesive for ceramics can be used in bathrooms. It should be remembered that only a thoughtful approach to the choice of building materials will help to make the right decision that meets all the requirements for quality and safety.


The characteristics of the mixtures are provided by the ratio of the components contained in the composition:

However, the dependence of the adhesive parameters on the proportion is not linear, because manufacturers are looking for ways to bring the mixture to the optimal set of properties.

Advice! It is impossible to cure with an adhesive solution based on clay-cement binder, fireclay fiber and sand filler, aligning the position. In this case, the gas permeability and strength of the dried composition are reduced several times.

Ready-made heat-resistant adhesive for stoves and fireplaces is made on the basis of the following components:

  1. Sand filler, fireclay fiber (as a mineral plasticizer), clay-cement binder. Such products are durable, heat and fire resistant, cheap, but have poor adhesion. Such glue is used for laying stoves and foundations of household heating appliances (such as boilers) using solid fuel. It is permissible to use flat and horizontal surfaces for coating with finishing materials. Maximum heat resistance is + 1200 ° C.
  2. Adhesives based on heat-resistant aluminosilicate cement and kaolin as a bonding element, with quartz sand, liquid glass. Withstands temperatures up to + 1360 ° C. The service life of such materials is a maximum of 25 years, which is a disadvantage. The liquid glass in the composition of the mixture is a stationery silicate glue that gradually loses its plasticity and turns into powder. Aluminosilicate glue is suitable for attaching trim elements to kiln bricks.
  3. The binder is aluminosilicate cement, the filler is quartz sand, talchlorite flour as a plasticizer. Such products are universal, have excellent adhesion properties, form a strong seam, withstand temperatures up to + 1500 ° C. At the same time, the TKR of glue almost completely corresponds to the TKR of ceramic and furnace finishing materials. It has an ideal ratio of thermal conductivity and heat capacity. The disadvantage of such compounds is the high price, so it is not easy to find them on sale. Finnish glue is an example. Scannmix and product from German manufacturers - Mixonit (Suitable for cladding, but it is not recommended to use it as a masonry mixture, as the manufacturer does not give quality guarantees).


Heat-resistant adhesives are widely represented in the domestic market. The most popular brands among consumers:

  1. K-77. The mixture is based on aluminate cement with chemical additives. The composition is able to withstand a wide temperature range from –30 to + 150 ° C, has excellent parameters of heat resistance and fire resistance. Perfect for laying bricks when installing a stove or fireplace.
  2. Ivsil termix. Suitable for facing stoves, fireplaces, kitchen areas and houses outside, withstands the widest temperature range.
  3. "Hercules". It is successfully used for mantel or stove masonry, facing stone stoves, the maximum compression density of the mixture is 38 MPa.
  4. Terracotta. Withstands heat up to + 250 ° С, it is suitable for facing fireplaces (stoves) with tiles and natural stone.
  5. "Prefix". It is characterized by high ductility, which allows it to be applied in a thin layer, retains its properties at + 1200 ° C.
  6. Geresit Flex CM 16. The most popular adhesive among consumers recently, is used for furnaces and fireplaces even with an uneven surface.

According to customer reviews, the best firms that produce glue for stoves and fireplaces are K-77, Ivsil termix and Hercules.


Glue masonry technology

Even a novice home stove can cope independently with a stove or fireplace. The main thing is to use heat-resistant glue when laying tiles and observe the basic rules:

  • All processed surfaces are cleaned of dirt, dust and masonry mortar.
  • 24 hours before the start of the facing work, minor defects are eliminated - chips, potholes and cracks, the seams are filled.
  • A few hours before masonry, the surface is treated with a primer mixture of deep penetration.
  • Tile glue is kneaded for high temperatures with a trowel or spatula until a uniform, sticky mass is obtained. Next, the solution is aged 8-10 minutes and re-mixed.

The process of masonry is carried out in the following order:

  1. Using a notched trowel, glue is applied to the work surface and evenly distributed. The optimum layer thickness should be 10 mm.
  2. Tile is laid on the glue and pressed tightly to the base.
  3. After laying within the first 10 minutes each element can be corrected.
  4. Similarly, tile should be glued to the entire area of ​​the structure.
  5. The finished lining is held for 48 hours until the glue completely hardens, after which the joints are grouted.


Metal glue is designed for spot bonding of metal products. In addition to increased strength, it must have high adhesion and heat resistance. As a rule, such a composition for household use withstands a heating temperature of up to + 300ºС, a special one - a higher temperature effect. Finally, such glue should not cause corrosion, on the contrary, a high-quality composition provides corrosion protection of surfaces. Heat-resistant adhesive for metal allows you to fix not only metal elements, but also metal with stone, brick, ceramics, glass. The composition was widely used in the facing and repair of stoves and fireplaces, underfloor heating systems, as well as minor household repairs. The main advantage of such products is their ability to replace welding, providing almost the same connection in terms of strength.

Using heat-resistant glue is much simpler and less costly, does not require the use of special equipment, unlike the welding method. Despite the rather high strength, in relation to this indicator, glued surfaces are still inferior to welded ones. The adhesive may have a semi-liquid consistency or be represented by a plasticine mass, which is heated before application. A feature of liquid hot-melt adhesives and pastes of a similar action is that the final curing of the adhesive surface occurs only with short-term heating. The composition of the classic product for stoves and fireplaces is represented by cement, sand and plasticizers. For bonding parts are usually used compositions based on epoxy resin. Adding synthetic components allows you to vary the characteristics of the glue, making these or other properties more pronounced.

Adhesive mixture requirements for furnaces

Tile adhesives used for facing substrates that are not exposed to high temperatures are unsuitable for laying ceramics on stoves and fireplaces. Exposure to high temperature causes physical and chemical changes in the materials, therefore, special adhesive mixtures with the following characteristics are used for furnishing tiles with tiles:

Heat resistance

Resistance to high temperatures is indicated on the packaging of the adhesive composition, but you should be aware that glue for underfloor heating is also considered heat-resistant, but it is not suitable for decorating fireplaces, since the upper limit of the operating temperature of such material is 50 degrees, which allows it to be used only for decoration chimneys.

The packaging must be marked “heat-resistant”

On the packaging of the mixture should be indicated suitability specifically for facing stoves and fireplaces, that is, the material must withstand a prolonged exposure to a temperature of +175 degrees and short-term heating to +1200 degrees.

High adhesion

Ceramic with high density and low porosity (majolica, porcelain stoneware, clinker, chamotte tile) is used for facing the furnaces, while the thickness of the heat-resistant tile must be at least 8 mm. Strong fixation of such cladding on the base requires the use of adhesives with a high degree of adhesion.


Exposure to high (up to 1000-1200 degrees) temperatures causes thermal expansion of the masonry material of the furnace and heat-resistant lining, but the magnitude of the linear changes in these materials can be different. Therefore, heat-resistant tile adhesives must have sufficient elasticity after curing to neutralize the difference in thermal expansion values ​​of the body and ceramic shell.

Safety and environmental friendliness

Under the influence of high temperature, many materials or their components are destroyed, evaporate, releasing toxic substances into the environment.

Tile adhesive fire retardant, very quickly seizes, which can significantly reduce the life of

Refractory compositions after curing should not have harmful gas or dust emissions.


The three-component heat-resistant adhesive K-300-61 belongs to the category of special compounds. It contains epoxy silicone resin, filler and hardener of amine type.

For application, it is recommended to prepare a metal surface - clean from dust and dirt, treat with abrasive to form roughness. After that, it is recommended to heat the metal to a temperature of + 50 ° C. Then one layer of the prepared composition is applied.

Conditions for the use of high-temperature glue K-300-61:

  • consumption per layer (g / m²) - 200-300,
  • the exposure time depends on the temperature of the metal - 24 hours (+ 15-30 ° C), 10 hours (+ 60 ° C) and 4 hours (+ 80 ° C),
  • nominal specific pressure indicator - from 0.05 to 0.1 MPa.

The volume of a standard metal container is 1.7 liters. Since the adhesive is classified as special, it is difficult to purchase it at retail. Manufacturers offer it medium or large wholesale.


Heat-resistant adhesive VS-10T consists of a solution of special resins with the addition of organic solvents, quinoline and urotropine. The connecting layer can withstand thermal effects up to + 200 ° C for 200 hours, and + 300 ° C for up to 5 hours.

Due to its good fluidity, gluing at low pressure is possible. Application Rules:

  • the layers are applied to the surface and left for 1 hour until the solvent is removed,
  • parts are connected and placed in a press under pressure up to 5 kgf / m²,
  • the design is installed in a thermal cabinet with a temperature of up to + 180 ° C for 2 hours,
  • the metal product cools naturally.

A full load on the parts to be glued is possible after 12 hours. Glue packing - 0.3 kg. The average cost is 1920 p.

Glue of the VK20 brand belongs to the category of polyurethane. Usually they are not heat-resistant, but special catalysts were added to the composition of this brand, due to which the compound can withstand short-term thermal effects up to + 1000 ° С.

Ease of use is also considered one - metal bonding is performed at room temperature for 5 days. This allows you to use it at home. If it is necessary to accelerate this process, the workpiece is heated to + 80 ° C.

Advantages of using heat-resistant adhesive VK20:

  • good adhesion to various types of metal,
  • water resistance,
  • after preparation of the two-component composition “life time” - up to 7 hours,
  • used as instrumental.

As well as the K-300-61 model, VK20 glue is on sale in medium and large parties.

Maple 812

Glen Klen-812 belongs to household and semi-professional compositions. Using this paste you can combine various metals, ceramics and plastic. After the final cooling, the layer acquires high rigidity and brittleness. Therefore, this model is used only for connecting parts that are not subject to change of shape during operation.

Features of the use of heat-resistant composition:

  • preliminary hardening occurs at room temperature for 2 hours,
  • final gluing - at + 80 ° C for 1 hour,
  • Do not expose the composition to open flame.

The volume of one package is 250 g, the cost is 1644 p.

Release form

Heat-resistant glue can be produced in dry or finished diluted form. If it is a dry composition, then it must be diluted with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. It is better to knead the glue in small portions, since it has a small pot life, after which it hardens. Finished compounds are often referred to as mastics, and are used by professionals. This is due to its higher viscosity and higher pour point. Without certain building skills, working with such compounds is not easy.

The masonry composition is usually available in multi-layer kraft bags or plastic buckets with a volume of 5, 10, 15, 25 or 50 kg. Each manufacturer independently determines the nominal volume of packaged products.

If we are talking about a heat-resistant composition for metal, then this is liquid glue in small (from 50 mg) tubes or plastic sticks, as well as plastic buckets with a volume of several liters (the most common volume is 1.7 l).

How to make heat-resistant glue for stoves and fireplaces with your own hands

Of course, it is better to purchase ready-made glue for stoves in the store. However, if you do not want to spend extra money or want to experiment, then you can cook it yourself.

However, in this case, you will need to find quality components. First of all, it is clay of normal fat content. It is also necessary to purchase mountain sand. The sand should be exactly mountain, the usual river will not work. Also, for a simple composition, you will need cement and salt.

If the clay is skinny, then you can fat it to a normal state. In this case, you need only all the same clay and water.

How to fat clay for heat-resistant glue:

  • Pour clay into a bucket of water, 1/5 of its height,
  • Pour clay to the top with water and mix the solution thoroughly,
  • When the mixture begins to settle and clay milk appears on the surface, drain half of the liquid part into a separate container without rubbing the bucket,
  • When the precipitate settles completely in the milk, it must be collected,
  • This precipitate is added to lean clay to fatten it.

When you bring the clay to its normal state, you can begin to prepare heat-resistant glue. We will describe to you the simplest recipe that you can handle without difficulty.

How to prepare a heat-resistant adhesive for stoves:

  • Mix in a separate container one part of clay, one part of cement with two hundred marks and three parts of sand,
  • Next, you need to fill the mixture with water and knead it to the desired density,
  • Next, add one glass of salt to the bucket of the solution you prepared.

Such a composition is suitable for tiling the fireplace. Compositions exist for other works, but they are more complex.


To date, the range of heat-resistant compounds is striking in its diversity.Each manufacturer tries to make a better, more versatile option than those that are already presented on store shelves. In order not to be mistaken with the choice in all this abundance of brands, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the most popular adhesive products.

"D-314" is an adhesive composition, which is produced by our domestic company "Diola". It is mainly used for decorating with stoves and ceramic tiles on fireplaces. The fabricated composition is flexible and dimensionally stable, and therefore the tiles do not slip and adhere tightly to the veneered surfaces.

  • “Super fireplace” is an adhesive composition with reinforcing fiber from the domestic manufacturer “Plitonit”. Reliably glues concrete and brick structures that are subject to heat, ceramic tiles, granite and other natural materials.
  • "Hercules" is an adhesive composition designed to build a fireplace or stove, capable of withstanding the heating of the surface to a thousand degrees. It copes with the job of finishing coatings that are constantly exposed to heat: low porous ceramic tiles and glazed tiles. The composition makes it possible to carry out finishing work at a temperature of from -10 to +35 degrees.

  • Moment Epoxylin is a very resistant and durable adhesive, which is produced by the world famous company Henkel. The basis is taken epoxy resin, the glue is a two-component mixture. It is recommended to use it for bonding metals, ceramic and glass surfaces. After the glue hardens, a strong layer forms, so that you can safely do polishing or drill the necessary holes.
  • Terracotta adhesive is an ideal solution for use in cladding.

  • The Finnish heat-resistant adhesive “Scanmix Fi” is used for the construction of a solid-fuel fireplace or stove structure.
  • Adexilex epoxy adhesive mixture from an Indonesian manufacturer will perfectly cope with the combination of materials of different composition.

  • Refractory adhesive mixture "Parade-77" withstands surface heating up to eight hundred degrees. Not recommended for plastered surfaces of stove or fireplace construction.
  • The Neomid paste-like adhesive base, which has universal characteristics, is applicable to a fireplace, stove, tile and much more. The “Pechnik” composition also possesses such characteristics.


As already mentioned, the glue for stoves and fireplaces differs from similar building mixtures in its composition. In any refractory solution, as a rule, there are the following ingredients:

  • cement,
  • synthetic and mineral components,
  • sand,
  • fiber of fireclay.

For the most comfortable masonry, you need to choose the glue in which all these components will be present. The most important ingredient is chamotte fibers, because they are resistant to high temperatures and provide strong bonding. Due to the second factor, it is necessary to precisely lay each brick so that it does not have to be moved. Otherwise, the adhesive solution will lose its characteristic properties.

During the construction of the fireplace, you may need another mixture, which is necessary for fixing the tiles. It is characterized by high elasticity and good adhesion. Glue for facing stoves and fireplaces must have a large number of plasticizers.

Varieties of heat-resistant glue

Adhesive for fireplaces is a solution with a viscous texture, which provides quick and comfortable bonding of decorative elements, as well as tiles. There are two varieties of such a mixture:

  • dry (it must be bred),
  • liquid (jelly-like).

The first option is suitable for those who do not have skills in facing. The dry mix hardens much longer, so that it does not deteriorate if the process of laying the tiles is delayed. Liquid glue is not inferior in quality or any parameters, but it is less convenient for beginners. It is also worth noting that the finished mixture will cost about 2-3 times more expensive.


In order to choose the optimal composition, it is necessary to take into account the upcoming conditions for the use of the product, as well as the requirements for joint stiffness. You should also pay attention to the surface structure, the type of material and the nature of the treatment.

Heat-resistant adhesive must necessarily have the following qualities:

  1. Formation of a strong bonding film,
  2. Resistance of the composition to external influences: moisture, atmosphere, pressure drops and temperature indicators,
  3. After processing, corrosion and other damage to the metal surface should not appear.

In everyday life, heat-resistant adhesive for metal at 300 degrees is rarely used. As a rule, such conditions are limited to compositions with a temperature boundary of 120 degrees. More heat-resistant products are used in automobile and aircraft construction. Compounds in these industries have specific requirements.

How to choose

The composition should be selected, given several important criteria:

  1. Where the stove will be located, indoors or outdoors. Heat-resistant composition withstands up to + 1200 ° C, but pay attention to the lower limit. A stove located on the street should be resistant to frost and the off-season climatic conditions.
  2. Before buying, carefully read the instructions for use of the composition. To work with the furnace, only a mixture with refractory properties is suitable.
  3. The same composition is not suitable for different finishing materials, so first decide on the finish and only then pick up the glue.
  4. The heat-resistant mixture should be applied in a thin layer, so pay attention to the differences in the plane. If there are a lot of them and they are significant, then choose a composition that is denser in consistency (with high viscosity indices), this will smooth out irregularities.
  5. When choosing, pay attention to the properties of vapor and water tightness, especially if the stove is being built in a bathhouse.
  6. Significantly important indicators of toxicity. Under various operating conditions of the structure, extraneous odors may appear, which, among other things, may be unsafe for human health. Information on the toxicity of the mixture is available on the package.

Solution K-300−61

This three-component solution is included in the group of special adhesives. The composition of this tool contains epoxy silicone resin, amine hardener and filler.

Before applying glue, the metal surface must be properly prepared - remove dirt and dust, treat with a special abrasive. Then the metal must be heated to 40-60 degrees Celsius. After this, the composition is applied.

Glue brand K-300−61 suggests the following conditions of use:

  1. The consumption for applying one layer is approximately 200-400 g / m2,
  2. The exposure period depends on the temperature of the metal surface,
  3. The specific pressure varies from 0.06 to 0.1 MPa.

This glue is sold in 1.7 liter containers. Due to the fact that this type of glue is special, it is quite difficult to buy it in ordinary stores. Its manufacturers offer to purchase large or medium wholesale.

Adhesive composition BC-10T

Heat-resistant adhesive composition VS-10T contains urotropin, quinoline, organic solvents and special resins. The bonding coating can withstand temperatures of 200 degrees Celsius for 200 hours.

Due to the excellent fluidity of this adhesive, gluing can be done using low pressure. Terms of use:

  1. The layer must be applied to the surface and wait one hour,
  2. The parts are held together and pressed under pressure,
  3. The metal structure is placed in a special oven with a temperature of 180 degrees for a couple of hours,
  4. The product must cool naturally.

Glue is packaged in 0.3 kilograms. The average market price is 2000 rubles.

Polyurethane adhesive VK-20

This is a polyurethane adhesive, which contains special catalysts that allow the coating to withstand short-term exposure to high temperatures.

Also gluing with this composition is very simple and at room temperature. It does VK-20 suitable for home use.

  1. Excellent adhesion to all metals
  2. Water resistance
  3. Used as a tool.

However, VK-20 glue is sold in large or medium batches.